Books to learn HTML

Would you like to learn HTML from scratch or acquire a little more level for your basic knowledge? In this article I present 4 books that will surely help you with it.

I have chosen the 4 books based on their quality, recognition and their approach to difficulty. Specifically, there are 2 books for those who don’t know anything about HTML and 2 books for those who already have a base and want to raise the level of their knowledge.

In addition, the four chosen books are in perfect Spanish.


  • HTML for newbies
  • HTML from scratch
  • HTML book for intermediate level
  • The HTML5 Guide

HTML for newbies

He HTML book for newbies is a work in Spanish directed to people with no prior knowledge of HTML markup language.

His approach is based on a simple progress through examples that help to explore the different concepts. In addition, he has used clear and simple language, avoiding many technicalities.

I recommend this book if you are a total novice in the language and if your goal is to get to know the most common and frequent uses of HTML. With this book you will acquire a basic level that will allow you to take your first steps in the development with HTML.

In short, if you are new to HTML and in general to the world of web development/programming, this is your book. You will learn what is necessary, quickly and without realizing it, to modify your small website or blog, without technicalities or information for advanced programmers.

HTML from scratch

This is another book for beginners in HTML in Spanish, created by Alfredo Limongi, author of another book on PHP development for beginners. You can find it in electronic format for Kindle or on paper, as you like.

His approach is similar to the one above: teach HTML and its structure to beginners. His way of explaining things is simple and clear, without big technicalities or theory for more advanced levels. Does not deal with other languages complementary as in the case of CSS or those more aimed at programmers such as PHP or JavaScript.

Among its pages you will find examples explained step by step, and concepts explained for “dummys” in web development.

Conclusion: a book for beginners in the language, without the basics, and who want an easy and simple book that allows them to obtain a base to continue, later, with books on CSS, JavaScript or PHP.

HTML book for intermediate level

HTML5 for Masterminds is a HTML Beginner’s Guide that they know the bases and fundamentals of the language. Also, if you already know languages ​​such as css and javascript, it is also an option to increase your knowledge of the whole.

We could say that this book would be complementary to the first 2 of this article, since in addition to dealing with the HTML language in a more up-to-date way (which is now HTML5), it also proposes more advanced examples and concepts: responsive design, forms, etc.

with this book you can improve your level of HTML and start working with the latest standard (HTML5). With this book you would reach a medium-high level of the language and a clear and useful vision of HTML5 to improve your projects.

My recommendation is that this book is for you if:

  • You know HTML, you’ve used it.
  • You have knowledge of CSS or JavaScript.
  • You want to learn the latest version of HTML.

The HTML5 Guide

Latest HTML5 book I recommend it’s a book/HTML5 language guide.

It’s a book completely in Spanish and from the ANAYA publishing house, which currently has a large collection of high-quality books on web programming.

This book is aimed at readers with basic or very basic notions of HTML and who want to reach an intermediate level while learning more advanced fundamentals and knowledge.

I recommend this guide if you are a programmer or have programming knowledge and want to master HTML5 with all its news. Also, it’s a easy to read bookto always have close, and that can be of help when doubts assail you in your projects.

Finally, tell you that it also includes explanations about CSS and JavaScript at a basic level, which can be a good support to learn better and understand how they are combined with each other.

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